1. elPadawan says:

    acorns, chestnuts, and fallen leaves… All kids are the same 🙂


    1. Linda says:

      Given access to nature, yes they are. 🙂


  2. Such fun! Our kids and now grandkids call them “bombs” because our huge oak in the backyard drops thousands of them this time of year. You can’t walk outside without being on attack! 🙂 It’s good to see Yosemite. I’ve been a little worried about her lately.


    1. Linda says:

      Too funny! I’ve found that some years, the oaks around our home seem to have more acorns than others. We, too, have been bombarded with acorn parts as squirrels above drop them on us. I swear they aim for people walking below!


    2. Linda says:

      Oh, and yes, Yosemite has had a tough year… we drove through the burn area on our way home (HW120). Wow, we knew how large the area burned was, but it’s different to actually see the devistation.


  3. Janis Gabriel says:

    : Ah, yes, acorns….Yesterday, my family attacked me with acorn as we walked back from the park. They hurt, lol, but I got away fast.


    1. Linda says:

      Yes, they are hard little things and do hurt when pelted with them… Sounds like family fun to me! 🙂


  4. Amy says:

    That is a cool pic of your son 🙂


    1. Linda says:

      Thanks! He was watching the ground closely while we walked. 🙂


  5. Alex Jones says:

    I have been gathering acorns from my favoured oak tree and planting them around Colchester, perhaps some new trees will grow from them.


    1. Linda says:

      I hope your plantings are successful! Oak trees are wonderful. We have three covering our tiny backyard, and I love the life the trees attract.


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