Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award.. Thank You!

Very cool!  Travel Lady with Baby has passed this award on to me.  Thank you!  I love your blog!


The rules for this award are that you must answer the following ten questions and nominate ten blogs that you think deserve the award.

1. Describe yourself in seven words. 

Caring, Loving, Earthy, Passionate, Observant, Kind, Reflective

2. What keeps you up at night?


3. Whom would you like to be?

Jane Goodall.

4. What are you wearing now?

Black t-shirt and jeans.

5. What scares you?

Losing my family.

6. What are the best and worst things about blogging?

The best:  Seeing into the lives of others and how they think

The worst:  Time consuming

7. What was the last website you looked at?

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

I wish I had the ability to keep my house clean.

9. Slankets, yes or no?


10. Tell us something about the person who nominated you

Travel Lady with Baby:  How does she do it?  Balancing motherhood with an international career.


Here are the blogs I’d like to pass this on to!


  1. thirdeyemom says:

    Wow, thank you so much for the nomination! Congratulations as well on yours! I love these awards because it always lets me find other new blogs to follow! I will work on this soon! Thanks again and I’m enjoying your blog as well! Nicole 🙂


  2. Hiking Mama says:

    Thanks so much for including me! I love your blog and you have inspired me very much. Because of you, my family is now working on making our backyard a certified wildlife habitat 🙂 Oh, and we must be kindred spirits, about half of your answers sound like they came straight from my head, lol!


  3. FeyGirl says:

    Congrats — and THANKS! Such a sparkly-pretty-butterfly award! You’re so kind… Your blog has provided such inspiration, and is so exceptionally witty (I love the frogs v. farm animals, heee)! I can’t wait to explore your nominations; I love finding new suggestions. I honestly think it’s how I came by everything I now follow. I always look forward to your posts — so very glad I found you. ♥


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Thank you! Your blog is truly one of beauty, in every way. It deserves 100 sparkles.


      1. FeyGirl says:



  4. Congrats and thanks for the other blog ideas, too!


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Thanks! Isn’t it a great way to find out about other blogs? I’ve found so many great ones through these awards.


  5. Congratulations and thanks!! I love your blog, and it always inspires me. 🙂 Please keep posting!!


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Thank you! And I love yours, too. I just wish someone would bake me all the yummy honey cupcake recipes you post (I’m not much of a baker, but I have a horrible weakness for sweet baked goods)!


  6. beechcreekproject says:

    Congratulations. Any award you receive is well deserved. Have loved your blog ever since I stumbled upon it. Keep up the great work and I’m sure more recognition will follow.


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Thanks! You, too!!


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