1. shanuwater says:

    I just love their tails as they walk in a row, you see their black and white tails. Hate when I have to smell one that has been hit by a car and, I have to drive in the direction P.U.


    1. Linda says:

      They’re really beautiful little animals. Yes, it’s sad to catch the scent of skunk while on the road…


  2. Patty B says:

    Not that I “like” it, I get caught up in clicking like when I read an article… this one deserves an “eeewwwwww” 😉


  3. That’s a bummer!


  4. soonie2 says:

    Uh oh! We’ve had them too…they dig holes in our lawn…and of course they have that lovely scent!


    1. Yes, the scent is the best part of the whole thing. 🙂

      It hasn’t sprayed anything yet, but that’s only a matter of time…


  5. Pam says:

    I like skunks, as long as they keep to themselves. They don’t see very well, so don’t surprise him. Otherwise he is happy to mind his own business. We had one walk right by our chairs one day when we were sitting on the back porch. You can bet we didn’t move until he was gone!


    1. I agree with you, Pam. My husband, however, is super upset about the skunk. I just spent a couple hours in the backyard, sweeping, cleaning patio furniture, watering plants, filling the bird feeder, etc… I’m sure the skunk is under the deck sleeping, but I couldn’t smell a thing. I’m not afraid of being sprayed. Only my husband goes in the backyard after dark, when the skunk is more likely to be roaming around, so it’s more of a concern for him. Though, even then, I’m pretty sure the skunk heads out into the nature area beyond our fence for the dark hours.


  6. fgassette says:

    I hope he/she didn’t leave his/her mark!



    1. Haven’t smelled it yet. 🙂


  7. I feel for you! We had skunks living under our porch landing for a long time – three of them, it turned out. Not fun.


    1. I think the only way for us to solve the skunk issue is to tear out the deck. Which I’d be OK with!


  8. Jodi says:

    EEk! Of all the yard pests, skunks bother me the most. We get foxes and gophers on and off but they usually stick to their own turf.


    1. I actually prefer skunks to rats. We, too, have had a fox in the backyard, but it never moved in, though it sure seemed to be looking for a home.


  9. We had a trio of them under our shed, but they only stayed a short while and then moved on. Hopefully, your skunk won’t get too comfortable!


    1. In the past, the skunk has made a home under our deck and usually stays about three months before moving on. We’re also usually able to cohabitate, as the skunk sleeps under the deck during the day when we’re out there. It doesn’t seem to mind our presence. This one just arrived yesterday, so we’ll see how it goes! Wish us luck! I’m about to head into the backyard right now to do some leaf sweeping and cleaning. 🙂


  10. Andrew says:

    Oh no!!! I get raccoons, opossums, cats, rats and squirrels but never a skunk. That can’t be a good thing.


    1. We have all those, too, so why not a skunk? We actually have one (perhaps the same one?) move in annually. It stays for a few months, then leaves. This is the first time I’ve seen it this year, and this is the first time I’ve seen it during daylight hours!


  11. Alex Jones says:

    Lucky you!


  12. OY! Good luck with that one!


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