Nature Fun for Kids: Take a Photo Walk

Our new favorite nature outing is to take a walk together with our cameras.  Provide a child with a camera, and he’ll see the world in a different way.  Every day while in Yosemite National Park last week, my son begged us to take him outside to photograph the flowers.  Obviously, Yosemite naturally calls to be photographed, but we have just as much fun walking around our home taking photo walks around our home in the Bay Area.

My 5-year-old, taking photos in Yosemite, with his VTech Kidizoom Camera

A few photos he took in Yosemite with his camera…  this one is the forest on the path to the Nature Center at Happy Isles.

And one of many photos my son took of flowers in Yosemite…

Of course, how could he resist a photo of Half Dome?  Can you spot it?

And, inevitably,  a photo of me!  On Sentinel Dome…

Want to introduce your child to photography?  Check out this post… “Kids ‘n Cameras:  Five Tips for Introducing Photography to Children

You may also enjoy a few of the photos I took on one of our photo walks together… “Yosemite… Flowers Everywhere


  1. Maragaret Brentz says:

    While those two applications are very useful, Flickr is way more..

    Our very own webpage
    <' than a simple photo storage facility


  2. montucky says:

    He does great! I’m impressed!


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      He says, “thank you!” He just asked who you were, and I explained, simply, that you’re a guy who walks around in the wilds of Montana and takes photographs (I’m sure there’s more to you than that, but keeping it simple for the kid). My son said, “I want to do that!”


  3. beechcreekproject says:

    Great idea. I child sees the world in such a different way that it would be neat to see a photo album full of your child’s shots from various outings you’ve been on. Love it. Keep up the great work.


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Thanks, Nick! It’s fun to watch his interests evolve. Photos from his perspective are a fun way to document the changes.


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      Love the photos! So cute!


  4. Love that their is another tyke with his own camera. My 3yr old has been taking a camera along his adventures for the past year. It is so fun to see what he thinks is photo worthy and his perspective on things.

    He started off with the same camera. 🙂


    1. Ignore the Desert (B)rats website and info. It is not active yet. It should be posted as Adventure Tykes. Ooops!


      1. A Nature Mom says:

        Can’t wait to see your site when it’s up and running! My husband and I are crazy for hiking in Utah, and are looking forward one day soon to taking our boy there.


        1. Don’t come yet. It is HOT! 😉 Hopefully, it will be up soon. Hopefully. haha


  5. Love that their is another tyke with his own camera. My 3yr old has been taking a camera along his adventures for the past year. It is so fun to see what he thinks is photo worthy and his perspective on things.

    He started off with the same camera. 🙂


    1. A Nature Mom says:

      I would love to see the photos your 3-year-old took! I agree that it’s great to see what they find interesting. I can imagine a 3-year-old perspective is even more fascinating!


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